martes, 25 de octubre de 2016

Practice 10th. (25th. October, 2016).

Topic: Modals of obligation. 

1. Click on

a) Read the information about modals of obligation.
b) Copy the charts (in present and past, positive and negative) with the examples in your notebook.

2. Click on

-Do the exercise, check your answers and copy 10 sentences with the right results in your notebook.

3.Click on

a) Create a "voki", first click on My Voki, to add your personal data. accept the terms and type ACEPTAR.

b) Click on the dice to start creating your Avatar, then customize your character (give it as many personal features you can, choose, mouth, eyes, skin, hair. Finally, give it a voice

c) After that, Give it a Voice, then type and your Voki will explain to the teacher all the topic about Modals of Obligation, don´t forget to click on DONE.

d) Finally, send the Avatar to Albertini with the information, don´t forget to add your teacher´s email: in the recipient.

lunes, 17 de octubre de 2016

Practice 9 (17th. October, 2016).

Topic: Modal verbs.
1.Click on
a) Read the information about these specific modal verbs and write in your notebook the usages and the structure of ...

a) Can (Present)
b) Could (Past)
c) Be able to (Present, past, present perfect and future).

Don´t forget to write 1 example for each usage, e.g. For can (5), could (3), be able to (3).

2. Click on
Do the exercise, check your answers and write the score in your notebook.

3. Click on
Click on Lesson A, do exercises 1 and 2, check your answers and write the score in your notebook.

4. Click on

Click on wordsearch, find the words about transport and copy them in your notebook.

5. Click on

Choose File 3 (Men and women), then NEXT, take out 50% of the words and complete the text with the missing words.

lunes, 10 de octubre de 2016

Practice 8 (11th. October, 2016)

Topic 1:Comparatives and superlatives (continuation)

1. Click on
-Watch the video and remember the rules about how to form comparatives and superlatives.

2.Click on
-Do the test about comparatives and supertlatives, check your answers and write the score in your notebook.

3.Click on
-Read the text, look for sentences with comparatives and copy them (they´re 14) in your notebook.

4.Click on
-Watch the video about "comparatives" and write some notes in your notebook (affirmative, negative and questions).

5. Click on
-Complete the sentences, check your answers and write the score in your notebook.

Topic 2: "Articles a, an, the"
6. Click on and write some notes about how to use the the articles.

7. Click on
-Complete the exercise, check your answers and write the score in your notebook.

lunes, 3 de octubre de 2016

Practice 7 (4th. October, 2016).

Topic: Money / Comparatives and superlatives.

1. Click on
-Click on Wordsearch, choose a level, find the words and copy them in your notebook.

2 Click on

-Read and copy all the rules about "Comparatives and superlatives".

3. Click on
-Click on Lesson A (1&2), do both exercises and write the score in your notebook.

4.Click on

a) Play the game (type the names of the animals according to each description).
b) Write the score in your notebook.

5. Click on
-Play it and complete the song.