sábado, 23 de septiembre de 2017

Hello partners de los grupos 5IM4 y 5IM7:

Instrucciones: Cada una de estas actividades se harán por equipo y el representante del mismo tendrá que hacer la captura de pantalla y luego enviar una foto de la misma y publicarla en Facebook (Jose Lora, sin acento) con una carátula con los nombres de los integrantes de su equipo.
No está permitido que las actividades del libro de texto tengan firmas y luego sean subidas o copiadas de otros. Las actividades que no sean del libro se realizarán en hojas de Word o Power point con algo característico para que no sean iguales o copiadas de otros, pueden usar un color o tipo de letra distinta, por supuesto todos deberán tenerlas en sus libretas pero el representante del equipo la subirá o publicará en el facebook mencionado.
Asimismo, las prácticas se elaborarán en equipo y también el representante tendrá que publicar los resultados de las actividades, es importante que lean bien las indicaciones pues si faltase algo esta tendrá que terminarse correctamente, de lo contrario no será registrada en la lista correspondiente.

La práctica no. 7 pronto estará disponible en este blog con previo aviso a los representantes de cada equipo.

Para cualquier duda los representantes se podrán poner en contacto por whatsapp al 5521772878 con:Teacher Albertini.

I. Look up in a dictionary or on www.wordreference.com the English definition for the following words, write them on Microsoft Word, don´t forget to upload it on my Facebook.

Example, Be worth: Having a value of.
a) borrow
b) can´t afford
c) charge
d) cost
e) earn
f) inherit
g) invest
h) lend
i) owe
j) raise
j) save
k) waste

II. Open your English textbook on page 154 and do ex. 1 (verbs), 2 (prepositions) and 3 (nouns). Don´t forget to capture the screen and upload it on my Facebook.
III. Complete the gaps in GIRLS AND BOYS with phrases A-G
A. a material world
B. comes with a fee
C. Foot the bill
D. For free
E. Paper or plastic
F. Shopping sprees
G. With money

He´s well-dressed
Not funny
And not much to say in
Most conversations
But he´ll 2.___________in
All situations´
´cause he pays for everything

Girls don´t like boys, girls like cars and money
Boys will laugh at girls when they´re not funny

Don´t matter
She´ll have it
And 4._________
These are a few
Of her favourite things
She´ll get what she wants

His type of girl
Always 5. ___________
Hey, now, there´s nothing 6.__________

Girls don´t like boys, girls like cars and money
Boys will laugh at girls when they´re not funny
And these girls like these boys like these boys like these girls
The girls with the bodies like boys with Ferraris
Girls don´t like boys, girls like cars and money

All of these boys, yeah get all of these girs.
Losing their souls in 7.___________

IV. Match the letters A-G with the following meanings:
2._____cash or credit cards
3._____you have to pay for it
4._____pay the bill
5._____that you don´t have to pay for
6._____buying a lot of things at one time
7._____a consumer society

V. LISTENING: Click on https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/es/big-city-small-world/serie-1-episodio-7-mate
-Listen and do Task 1 and 3, don´t forget to capture your results and upload them on my facebook.


lunes, 18 de septiembre de 2017

Practice 6, 18th. September, 2017.

4. Click on http://www.myenglishpages.com/site_php_files/grammar-lesson-comparatives-superlatives.php

-Read and copy all the rules about "Comparatives and superlatives".

5. Click on https://elt.oup.com/student/englishfile/intermediate3/grammar/file03/?cc=mx&selLanguage=en
-Click on Lesson A (1&2), do both exercises and write the score in your notebook.

6.Click on https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/grammar-practice/comparatives-and-superlatives

a) Play the game (type the names of the animals according to each description).
b) Write the score in your notebook.

7. Click on http://es.lyricstraining.com/play/rihanna/diamonds/HxsilzhgHx#ibc
-Play it and complete the song.

Topic: Present Perfect Continuous

a) Click on https://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/grammar/present-perfect-progressive

1. Read the information about this topic and write notes about...

a) Form
b) Usages (with 1example from each)
c) Signal words

b) Click on https://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/grammar/present-perfect-progressive

1. Do the first 3 exercises: Exceptions in spelling, Have or has, and Since or For and Mixed exercise on Present Perfect Progressive.
2. Click on "check your answers"and  write the score in your notebook.

c) Click on http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/skills/speaking-skills-practice/pros-and-cons-mobile-phones

-Watch the video and after that scroll down into the following exercises:
a) Check your understanding: Multiple choice.
b) Gap fill (1st. and second)
-Do the exercises and write the score in your notebook.

d) Click on http://es.lyricstraining.com/play/toto/africa/HJ3ymUH1KJ#ibc
-Start the game and fill in the blanks and enjoy it!!!

lunes, 11 de septiembre de 2017

Integrated Task: A trip to the theme park.

1. Write the location of the park and the schedules to access (Use the simple present in 2 lines)

2. List (at least) 5 attractions to visit  and 5 decisions to make in the park. (Use the future in 1 paragraph).

3. List what you and your partners are going to eat and drink. (Use future tense in 2 or 3 lines)

4. Write about your 5 plans when you are back from the trip. (Use future in a paragraph).

lunes, 4 de septiembre de 2017

Reading Quiz. 

1   Read the article and tick (ü) A, B, or C.
While multi-generational living is normal in many cultures, in some countries such as Britain and the US, it isn’t very usual. However, homes where grandparents live with their children and their families in the same house are becoming more common in these countries because of the economic climate. Here, the members of one extended family explain how it works for them.
Georgina – Anna’s grandmother
I was really pleased when my son wanted to move back home. I love spending time with Anna, my granddaughter. She’s a lovely little girl at the minute – so happy and affectionate – everybody who meets her likes her. It will be wonderful to watch her grow up. I think even my unsociable husband is enjoying it! We eat together twice a week and, once a month, we have a family conference – my husband and I, my son and his wife – to discuss how things are going. We try to respect each other’s space. Having my son here makes me less anxious about the future, too. At the moment, we’re healthy, but in a few years we’re going to need more help.
Esther – Anna’s mother
Actually, it’s all working out well! My mother-in-law remembers what it’s like to have young children, so she’s very patient with Anna and sympathetic to me when I’m tired. She often just says: ‘Go and rest. I’ll look after her’. I think she wants to give advice about what Anna eats and what time she goes to bed, but she usually says nothing! And occasionally I ask her opinion and find her ideas are really sensible. We are all learning to be quite honest with each other, which I think is a good thing.
Chris – Anna’s grandfather
I prefer a quiet life and a tidy house, and I think young people should be independent, but my wife loves having the family here. From a selfish point of view, it’s good for me too because Georgina is quite talkative and now she can chat to her daughter-in-law. I think it’s a very satisfactory situation for everyone concerned!
Alan – Anna’s father
I was worried because my mother can be bossy, but actually, she is being sensitive and we’re lucky to have a reliable babysitter in the house! My dad is sometimes moody, but he’s very affectionate with Anna. We’re planning to buy our own house in a couple of years, but I think we’ll stay near my parents because the relationship between Anna and her grandparents is so special.

1   Georgina thinks that Anna is charming.
     A  True  c    B  False  c    C  Doesn’t say  c
2   The family meets to talk about how they are getting on once a month.
     A  True  c    B  False  c    C  Doesn’t say  c
3   Esther gets very impatient with Georgina because she talks a lot.
     A  True  c    B  False  c    C  Doesn’t say  c
4   Chris is happy that Georgina has a good relationship with Esther.
     A  True  c    B  False  c    C  Doesn’t say  c
5   Chris thinks that they need a bigger house.
     A  True  c    B  False  c    C  Doesn’t say  c
6   Alan is always kind to his mother.
     A  True  c    B  False  c    C  Doesn’t say  c
7   Alan says that they are going to live with his parents for many years.
     A  True  c    B  False  c    C  Doesn’t say  c

2   Write G for Georgina, E for Esther, C for Chris, and A for Alan.

1   I’m less worried about the future now.  _____
2   I’m not always very sociable.  _____
3   I think it’s good to be honest.  _____
4   We can enjoy going out sometimes.  _____
5   I’m quite bossy but I’m learning to be sensitive.  _____
6   I sometimes need a little advice.  _____
7   I love the relationship between the grandparents and their granddaughter.  _____

Exercise 1: Listen to a conversation about Tom’s birthday. Complete each sentence with one word.
1   Tom’s ________, aunt, uncle and cousin are coming to tea.
2   Tom’s mum Ella, her ________ and her two sons are going out for dinner.
3   Tom’s ________ are going to describe what he was like when he was young.
4   Paul now has a good relationship with his ________.
5   Tom’s ________ are going to have a party for him and Lucy on Friday.

Exercise 2  Listen to five conversations. Tick (ü) A, B, or C.
1   Why don’t James and Lisa have lunch together today?
     A  James is meeting his sister  c    B  Lisa brought her lunch with her  c   
C  Lisa is meeting a friend at a café 
2   What does the customer order with the chicken?
     A  rice and green beans  c    B  potatoes and green beans  c    C  peas and cabbage  c
3   What does the customer need help finding?
     A  eggs and tuna  c    B  salmon and eggs  c    C  salmon and tuna  c
4   What snack does Harry have before dinner?
     A  two biscuits  c    B  a biscuit  c    C  an apple  c
5   What does the customer buy?
     A  half a kilo of green grapes  c    B  some raspberries  c    C  half a kilo of red grapes  c

Practice 5 

Topic: Past simple vs. Present Perfect.

a) Click on https://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/grammar/simpas-preper

1. Read the information about the Simple Past and Present Perfect.
2. In your notebook, write the following:
-The formulations in +, -  and examples.

-The 3 uses of each one of them + examples.
-Signals words (Time expressions) + examples.

b) Click on https://elt.oup.com/student/englishfile/intermediate3/grammar/file02/?cc=mx&selLanguage=en

1. Click on  Lesson A (exs. 1&2), do the exercises, write the scores in your notebook.
2. Click on Lesson B (exs. 1 & 2), do the exercises, write the scores in your notebook.

c) Click on 

1. Scroll down to the exercises on Past Simple and Present Perfect: 1, 2, 3 and 4.
2. Do the exercises and write the score in your notebook.