lunes, 27 de agosto de 2018

Practice 3 

Topic: Adjectives of personality. 

1. Look up definitions for the following adjectives in English and write them in your notebook (use

Example: Selfish: A person who thinks himself/herself and not about other people. 

1. Affectionate:__________________________________________
2. Aggressive:___________________________________________
3. Ambitious:___________________________________________
4. Anxious:_____________________________________________
5. Bossy:_______________________________________________
6. Charming:____________________________________________
7. Competitive:__________________________________________
8. Independent:__________________________________________
9. Jealous:______________________________________________
10. Moody:______________________________________________
11. Rebellious:___________________________________________
12. Reliable:_____________________________________________
13. Selfish:______________________________________________
14. Sensible:____________________________________________
15. Sensitive:____________________________________________
16. Sociable:____________________________________________
17. Spoilt:_______________________________________________
18. Stubborn:____________________________________________

2. Click on

a) Read the quiz and choose the best option according to your personality.
b) Write the result (Mostly As, Bs or Mostly Cs) and its description in your notebook.
c) Scroll down and click on Check your understanding: Multiple choice, do the exercises and write the score in your notebook.
d) Click on Check your vocabulary: Gap fill, do the exercise, write the score and copy the sentences in your notebook.

a) Listen to the song, watch the video.

viernes, 17 de agosto de 2018

Practice 2 

Topic: Future Tenses.

Hello partners, before you click on each link read the instructions under them.

a) Click on
Watch the video and copy the information about the following future tenses  in your notebook.
-Future "going to" (formulations: (+), (-) , and usages)
-Future "will" (formulations (+), (-), and usages)
-Future ("present continuous" (+), (-), and usages.
-Present simple for future

b) Don´t forget to copy all the examples from the presentation in your notebook according to these 2 categories:

Future Going to:                Future will:
______________             _____________
______________             _____________
______________             _____________
______________             _____________

c) Click on

1. Click on NEXT, read the text about "THE ONLY CHILD", take out 25% of the words and complete the text, don´t forget to copy it in your notebook.

d) Click on

-Choose "Principiante" and start completing the song "Leave a trace".
-Don´t forget to write the score in your notebook.

martes, 7 de agosto de 2018


"My pleasure to be here, in order to make you practise and develop your abilities"

Don´t forget to copy this chart in your notebook every time you do a practice in the English lab.

Practice No.__ Topic:____________________ Date:______________
Name: ____________________________

Exercise No._______   Score:____
Exercise No._______   Score:____

Practice 1 
Topic: Present Simple vs. Present Continuous / Non-action verbs

1. Go to

a)  Read the informationand write notes about the following topics:
  -The structure of the Present Simple and Present Continuous in (+) form
  -The uses of each one (with 1 example)
  -The time expressions for them with 3 examples.
b) Do the 1st. exercise and write the score in your notebook.

2. Go to
  a) Write notes about their definition, the 5 clasifications and 5 examples.
  b) The general rule for Non-action verbs.

3. Go to

- Choose File 1, do Lesson A (1 and 2) exercises and write the scores in your notebook.

4. Go to
  -Complete the text, and write the score in your notebook.

5. Look at the vocabulary about FOOD AND COOKING from the whiteboard and look for the meaning of the words on the web, then copy it in your notebook. 

Crab                                   Beef            Aubergine                              Boiled
mussels                              chicken       Beetroot                                Roast 
prawns                               duck            Cabbage                               Baked
salmon                               lamb            Cherries                                Grilled
squid                                  pork             Courgette(Zucchini)              Fried     
tuna                                                        Cucumber                             Steamed
                                                               Green beans
                                                               Red pepper

6. Go to

a) Choose FOOD AND COOKING and do the crossword and the wordsearch exercises.
b) Write the scores in your notebook.