martes, 13 de noviembre de 2018

Classroom Project (Group 5IV7)

1. Start working on the Conclusion of your Project, according to the topic you chose with your team.
    Remember to write a paragraph based on...
    a) Firstly, if you could achieve the whole research or not.

    b) Secondly, what kind of results did you get? Were they positive or negative?

    c) Thirdly, how did you get them? In other words, what did you have to do to and how long did 
you take to achieve them?

    d) Finally, write a recommendation to those who want to continue to do it in the future.

Classroom Project (Group 5IV6)

1. You`re going to make up a magazine or a brochure, based on the Company you created previously.

    Firstly, you need to create a logo and a slogan for your Company.

    Secondly, you need to copy the organisation with all the Departments or Areas, the positions and the people in charge for each one.
    Thirdly, describe the responsibilities and functions of each Department or Area.

    Next, include in your magazine 2 or 3 articles that you consider as the most relevant for those who are going to read it.

    Finally, don´t forget to illustrate your magazine with some colorful pictures and add how the people can contact you (facebook, instagram, twitter, etc).


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