lunes, 21 de noviembre de 2016

Practice 13th. (22nd. November, 2016).

Topic: Past perfect simple.

1. Click on

a) Read the information about Past perfect simple.
b) Write the formulation and the Usage 1 about it.
c) Write an example of the affirmative, 1 example of the negative and 1 question (all this in your notebook).

2. Click on

a) Choose Lesson A Past tenses.
b) Do Exercises 1 & 2.
c) Write the scores in your notebook.

3. Click on
-Complete the text with the Past simple or past perfect.
-Check your answers, copy the score in your notebook.

4. Click on

a) Choose File 6 (Highclere castle).
b) Read the article, take the 50% out of the words and complete the text.
c) Don´t forget to write the score in your notebook.

lunes, 14 de noviembre de 2016

Practice 12th. (15th. November, 2015).

Topic: Past continuous vs. Past simple. (Part 2)

a) Go to

1. Watch the video about "The mysterious stalker".
2. Write notes in your notebook about...
   -The usages of past continuous vs. past simple.
   -Copy all the examples about these tenses and their combination.

b) Go to

-Do the exercise, check your good answers and copy them in your notebook.

c) Go to

-Type the sentences, check them out, write the score in your notebook.

d) Go to         

1. Listen and watch the video "Creativity is great, part 1", then do Task, task 2 and task 3.
2. Write the scores in your notebook.

e) Go to
-Listen and complete the song "Precious" by Depeche mode.


lunes, 7 de noviembre de 2016

Practice 11th. (8th. November,2016).

Topic: Past tenses Part 1 (Past progressive or continuous).

1. Click on

a) Write notes about Past progressive in your notebook...
-Uses (duration in the past, interrupted actions in progress, actions in progress at the same time in the past, irritation, polite questions).
-Write 2 examples of each use.

2. Click on
-Watch the video about the past continuos.

3. Click on
-Do exercises 1,2,3 and 12, check your answers, write the scores in your notebook.

4. Click on
a) Read the article about "the effects of stress", answer the questions and check.
b) Then CLICK ON THE NEXT EXERCISE, complete the sentences with the best ending, check and write your score. Finally, copy the sentences in your notebook.