viernes, 21 de septiembre de 2018

Practice 6 

Topic: Present perfect and past simple

1. Click on

a) Choose the correct option and complete the sentences.
b) Write the score and copy all the sentences in your notebook.

2. Click on

a) Order the words to make complete correct sentences.
b) When you have all the sentences correct, copy them in your notebook.

Topic: Money (vocabulary)

a) Look up the following words on the web (suggestion: you can go to
b) Copy and write their meanings in Spanish in your notebook.

1. Be worth
2. Borrow
3. Can`t afford
4. Charge
5. Cost
6. Earn
7. Inherit
8. Invest
9. Lend
10. Owe
11. Raise
12. Save
13. Waste

b) Go to

a) Select a level
b) Find the previous vocabulary (12 words) in the grid.
c) Write the score in your notebook.


lunes, 17 de septiembre de 2018

Practice 5

Topic: Present Perfect Simple.
1. Click on
    Click on
a) Watch and listen to the videos.
b) Write notes in your notebook about the Present Perfect Simple.
   -The general formulation 
   - Usages
   - Copy 3 examples in (+) form and 3 examples in (-) form in your notebook
2.  Click on
   -Write the time line that represents the Present Perfect Tense

3. Click on
-Do the exercises 1,2, 6 and 7 and write the scores in your notebook.

4. Click on

-Choose File 4: "Lost weekend", then NEXT, read the text for about 4 minutes, take out 25% of the words and complete the text.

- Don´t forget to copy the text in your notebook.

martes, 11 de septiembre de 2018

Practice 4: TASK 1 

Topic: A trip to a theme park.

1. In groups of  4 people look up a real theme park you want to work on with.

2. If you don`t know what a theme park is look for the definition.

3. Write a short location of the theme park in a paragraph (2 lines maximum), include...
  a) Where it is
  b) How to get there
  c) A photo of the park

4. Describe in a second paragraph...(4-5 lines)
   a) What are you going to take with you?
   b) What are you going to eat and drink there?
   c) What kind of attractions are you going to enjoy there?

5. Finally, describe in the last paragraph (3-4 lines)
    a) What are you going to do after you come back from the trip?

6. Deliver your work on 1 or 2 pieces of paper by Wednesday, 12th. September (1st. revision)
                                                                                 Thursday, 13th. Sept. (Hand it in)
Good luck!!!

lunes, 10 de septiembre de 2018

Practice 6

Topic: Past simple vs. Present Perfect.

a) Click on

1. Read the information about the Simple Past and Present Perfect.
2. In your notebook, write the following:
-The formulations in +, -  and examples (look them up on the web please)

-The 3 uses of each one of them + examples.
-Signals words (Time expressions) + examples.

b) Click on

1. Click on  Lesson A (exs. 1&2), do the exercises, write the scores in your notebook.
2. Click on Lesson B (exs. 1 & 2), do the exercises, write the scores in your notebook.

c) Click on

1. Scroll down to the exercises on Past Simple and Present Perfect: 1, 2.
2. Do the exercises and write the score in your notebook.