lunes, 10 de octubre de 2016

Practice 8 (11th. October, 2016)

Topic 1:Comparatives and superlatives (continuation)

1. Click on
-Watch the video and remember the rules about how to form comparatives and superlatives.

2.Click on
-Do the test about comparatives and supertlatives, check your answers and write the score in your notebook.

3.Click on
-Read the text, look for sentences with comparatives and copy them (they´re 14) in your notebook.

4.Click on
-Watch the video about "comparatives" and write some notes in your notebook (affirmative, negative and questions).

5. Click on
-Complete the sentences, check your answers and write the score in your notebook.

Topic 2: "Articles a, an, the"
6. Click on and write some notes about how to use the the articles.

7. Click on
-Complete the exercise, check your answers and write the score in your notebook.

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