lunes, 15 de octubre de 2018


1. In groups of four people create a poster describing at least 2 ideas each about the most relevant moments that have happened to you in your Administration career as well as your life.

For example, "I´ve helped my family to manage a business".

2. Compare 2 things you mentioned in your life using the adjectives and the rules we checked in your class.
You can use the list of adjetives below, or other that you prefer.

angry = enfadado
happy = feliz
sad = triste
hungry = hambriento
sleepy = somnoliento (que tiene sueño)
exhausted = muy cansado
awake = despierto
asleep = dormido
good = bueno
bad = malo
beautiful = hermosa (para mujeres y cosas sin género)
ugly = feo
handsomeguapo (para hombres)
lovely = muy hermoso o simpático
plain = sencillo, poco atractivo
sour = ácido
bitter = amargo
sweet = dulce
delicious = delicioso
disgusting = asqueroso
black = negro
white = blanco
red = rojo
blue = azul
yellow = amarillo
orange = naranja
green = verde
purple = morado
grey = gris
brown = marrón
clean = limpio
tidy = ordenado
dirty = sucio
messy = desordenado
hot = caliente
warm = caluroso
cool = fresco
cold = frío
wet = mojado
dry = seco
rainy = lluvioso
sunny = soleado
snowy = nevado
foggy = que tiene niebla
early = temprano
late = tarde
true = verdadero, cierto
false = falso
fat = gordo
thin = delgado
tall = alto
short = bajo
big = grande
small = pequeño
full = lleno
empty = vacío
boring = aburrido
interesting = interesante
slow = lento
fast = rápido

Example: "Working in a big company is better than working in a small one".

3. Finally, don´t forget to illustrate all your ideas and your creativity using magazines or real photos.

Date to deliver: Friday, 19th. October.

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